Typically, we Dirt Divas end our summer of mountain biking with a season Finale in Moab and a smaller Fruita ride for those not able to attend Moab. This year was a tad bit different! We had TWO (count them, TWO) big end of season finale's this year with both events attended with awesome peeps!
Although, we will still try to get some riding in as we can here on the Front Range, it will be catch as catch can. However, we celebrated our awesome year of mountain biking with the help of Single Track Factory, Yeti Cycles, Optic Nerve Sunglasses, Honey Stingers, Golden City Brewery and Shad Dirks (Excellent homebrew) and shuttling help from Over the Edge Sports in Fruita and The Bike Shop in Grand Junction! Keith, Timoni and all you guys totally freakin' ROCK!
They say pictures tell the story in the loudest words, so I am going to post some pictures of our fun time in Moab and Fruita. However, suffice it to say that there was plenty of libations, laughter, fun, dancing, hula hooping, campfire toasts, s'mores, talk and most importantly -- mountain bike riding!
So, sit back and enjoy but be sure mark your calendars for next Spring -- when we do it all again!
Friday, October 9, 2009 -- a small group of us got to Moab early and decided to take advantage of the weather and check out Baby Steps. The sand was grueling, but everything else was totally well worth the battle with the sand!
The Friday night festivities...
And then we are off to Amassa Back for our Saturday ride!

Hula Hoop time!
And dancing by the firelight!
Good Night Mr. Moon!
Thursday night -- before everyone gets there on Friday!
And, of course, we have to have a sprained ankle -- just to liven things up a bit!
We are joined by Yeti Cycles (Joe Hendrickson and Phil Cramer) who were kind enough to bring some cool 2010 575's and ASR 7's for us to play on!

Saturday saw us on the trail in Rabbit Valley doing Zion Curtain -- what a simply beautiful ride!
And, of course, there is always time for silly photo ops! You go, girl!

If you look really hard, you can see a group of Divas off in the distance getting their picture taken, while I'm taking a picture of a picture being taken.....
Single Track Factory provided the food for our Saturday night cook-out. There was beer provided by Golden City Brewery and by Shad Dirks (who brought his special made home-brew just for us Divas!)

Oh, YEAH, Baby!

Sunday saw us shuttling (a BIG thanks to Keith and his crew from The Bike Shop in Grand Junction and Timoni from Over the Edge Sports in Fruita for the use of their vans and trailer) up to the Ribbon and flying down (video to be found on our FaceBook page courtesy of almost Diva, Trevor!) We then broke up into several groups depending on riding style and technical abilities (Again, thank you Keith, Timoni and crew for leading our Lunch Loop rides!). Other trails ridden: Free Lunch, Holy Cross, Lemon Squeezer, Widow Maker, Gunny Loop and a few others...
If you look really hard, you can see a group of Divas off in the distance getting their picture taken, while I'm taking a picture of a picture being taken.....
AND, there was Optic Nerve schwag given away (think, sunglasses, goggles, hoody, t's and discount coupons)!
Sunday saw us shuttling (a BIG thanks to Keith and his crew from The Bike Shop in Grand Junction and Timoni from Over the Edge Sports in Fruita for the use of their vans and trailer) up to the Ribbon and flying down (video to be found on our FaceBook page courtesy of almost Diva, Trevor!) We then broke up into several groups depending on riding style and technical abilities (Again, thank you Keith, Timoni and crew for leading our Lunch Loop rides!). Other trails ridden: Free Lunch, Holy Cross, Lemon Squeezer, Widow Maker, Gunny Loop and a few others...
Home was just a snowy drive away........
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